City Tour Dresden Old Town for School Classes

Dresden City Walk for School Classes or Student Groups

This pupil- or student-orientated city walk will arouse curiosity and interest for the history of our beautiful city. We bring you facts without too many figures and make history an exciting story. We don’t do long-winding explanations – Our city walk is lively and interactive as it combines expertise and humour. This is our city walk for school classes and student groups, always orientated towards the age and background of the group and the study topics.

You can tell a lot of stories about the famous Zwinger Palace. A little bit of a fairy tales for the younger children, relaxed and humourous for the older pupils and students. The topics will be architecture, biblical and mythological issues, poverty and wealth, the system of absolute monarchy, war, peace and reconciliation in old and new times.   

Sightseeing will not comprise inside visits of museums or the Royal Palace – churches will be visited, provided they are open at the time of the tour.

City Walk Historic Old Town for school classes comprises:
Zwinger Palace, Semper Opera House at Theatre Square, Taschenbergpalais, Procession of the Princes (Fürstenzug), Royal Palace, Cathedral at the Palace Square, Frauenkirche and New Market – and many more

90 minute walking tour Historic Old Town 145,- Euro
*For larger groups it is advisable to book a second guide for increased quality of experience.

This offer can be combined with other tours – we also do pupil-orientated bus tours in Dresden.

This tour does not include inside visits of museums etc.!

This is an exclusive tour, so no individual guests will be able to join.

The State’s Museums (Staatliche Kunstsammlungen) offer free entrance into their museums for pupils and students under age 17.

Other museums also give discounts for pupils, students and groups